The award consists of a memento and a cash prize of Rs. 10000.
The Oration was given to Dr. Aggarwal for his outstanding
contribution for heart care and other achievements in cardiovascular sciences.
The Award was given by International Academy of Cardiovascular
Sciences India The award was given by Nobel Laureate Dr Ferid Murad of Washington University . Others who were present were
Dr Harpal S Buttar himself and Dr G N Singh Drug Controller General of India .
Prof. Buttar is an eminent professor in Canada and has made significant
contributions in preventive cardiology, especially role of diet.
The Oration was chaired by Dr. Robert Roberts, President and
CEO, House of Ottawa Heart Institute Canada and Dr. S C Tiwari.
Dr. Aggarwal, who is also currently Senior Vice President Indian
Medical Association, spoke on the concept of Savitri mantra for reviving a
heart after sudden cardiac death.
Dr. Aggarwal said that consciousness does not leave the body for
up to few minutes after cardiac arrest. During this period, if hands only
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR 10) is attempted by bystander, the person
can be revived.
At Heart Care Foundation of India, Dr. Aggarwal has designed the
Savitri Mantra for easy adoption of the same by the public. It is based on the
traditional Indian Vedic knowledge where Savitri fought with Yamraja and saved
her husband Satyavan, probably, by doing something equivalent to hands only
The Savitri Mantra is the Formula of 10 (CPR 10), which talks
about the importance of the numerical number ‘10’. It says, in English “To
revive a person from sudden cardiac death, within 10 minutes of death (earlier
the better), at least for the next 10 minutes (longer the better), compress the
centre of the chest of the dead person by 1 ½” distance continuously with a
speed of 10x10 i.e. 100 per minute.”
In a survey conducted on 1000 school children after three
months, a recall value of Hindi version of the Mantra was excellent with 90%
remembering the later part of the mantra and 60% remembering the complete