Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14 also Impotence Day and Sale of Viagra increases on this day

February 14 also Impotence Day and Sale of Viagra increases on this day

February 14, Valentine’s Day, is also celebrated as National Impotence Day in countries like the UK to raise awareness of erectile dysfunction.
Valentine’s Day is a reminder of relationship between two individuals which can be at the level of body, mind, intellect, ego and or soul. Unless all relationships are fulfilled, they cannot be labeled as made for each other.
Quite often people develop relationships with others to satisfy any of the above needs. The needs may be to satisfy physically, to ease out mentally, to share intellect, to share power (ego) or to share happiness (spiritual needs.) It is, therefore, common for a person to have different relationships with different people, e.g., husband for physical needs, a guru for spiritual needs, a friend for mental or intellectual needs, and a partner to satisfy ego needs.
Valentine’s Day should not be misused as a day to satisfy one’s physical needs.
One should also be cautious about the misuse of misuse of date-rape-drugs on this day. Date-rape-drugs are easily available in the market. They are colorless, tasteless and odorless and can make a person unaware of the surroundings while remaining conscious.
For example a female under the influence of date-rape-drugs may actually be under rape but feel as if she is in a date and after the effect of drug is over, she will have retrospective amnesia or memory loss about the event.
Extra marital sex is dangerous for heart patients as it is often done in unusual circumstances, places, locations, timings and often with a partner who is 20 years younger. The performance anxiety to perform better can precipitate dangerous rise in heart rate and BP leading to heart attack and in some cases, sudden cardiac death. The dictum for heart patients, therefore, has been that sleeping with your wife or with someone with whom you have prolonged relationship prolongs life.
There is no age bar for males to have sexual act and as a result, a man can be active sexually till the age of 70 years. With the availability of Viagra drugs, it is possible for the elderly persons to enjoy sexual relationships with their partner.
The sale of Viagra drugs increases near Valentine’s Day.  However, these drugs should not be misused by heart patients who are on nitrates as it can precipitate BP.  Viagra group of drugs should also not be taken by individuals as a licence to attempt multiple sexual attempts in one sitting as any unaccustomed exercise by heart patients with underlying severe blockages can precipitate heart attack and sudden cardiac death.

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