Friday, May 10, 2013

Why in hypothermia the body can be revived even after hours of death?

Why in hypothermia the body can be revived even after hours of death?

It is well known phenomenon that Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is not successful if the body temperature is less than 35oC.
In hypothermic deaths, a person can be revived even after hours of cardiac arrest. Only once the body temperature is brought back to normal CPR will be effective.
That would mean that consciousness gets frozen and does not leave the body when the temperature is below 35oC.
This forms the basis for induced hypothermia after death to revive the brain.
The modern science is silent about this mechanism but the ancient Indian literature talks about it in great detail. As per Chandogya Upanishad (6.15.1), the process of death takes time and is a sequential process.
First, the motor  indriyas organs (Karma Indriyas) stop functioning followed by sensory indriya organs (Gnanaindriyas) followed by cessation of pana or respiration.
Once this happens, the frozen sensory organs, motor  organs, manas (mind, body, memory and ego) and prana have to get dissolved in Tej and then leave the body which means presence of Tej is the most important factor for consciousness to leave the body.
In modern science, Tej would be governed by the body temperature. That means if the body temperature is low, the motor and sensory indriyas and manas Product (Vritti) will find no heat or Tej to dissolve and come out of the body.
Therefore, till the body temperature (Tej) is brought back to normal, the indriyas will seize to function but still be revivable.
This process may take upto 48 minutes in presence of Tej and there is no time limit if Tej is absent.
A clinically dead person with cardiac arrest, therefore will have absent functioning of Manas organs, Sensory organs, mind, intellect, memory and ego with no respiration but yet revivable back to life.

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