Sunday, May 20, 2018

This has been an unusual summer so far in North

The early summer season or ‘grishma ritu’ is hot and dry, while the later part of summer, when rains are on the horizon is hot and moist.

Rains are not usual in early summer in North India. But, this year, early summer has been marked by an unusually increased frequency of dust storms, thunder storms and rains. In Vedas this is termed vikruti (vitiation) of ritu (season), when the weather forgets its dharma and behaves abnormally.

When this happens, all body circadian rhythms also behave abnormally and every function of the body is exaggerated.

In such weather conditions, wind-sensitive individuals with no evidence of target organ damage can have accelerated hypertension. Such individuals are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.

Modern medicine has no answer for this phenomenon. But, the answer to this may lie in our ancient texts. Atharveda, the fourth Veda, includes the principles of medicine, based on which, Ayurveda has evolved. Ayurveda, which talks of vayu vikruti, has been also called as ‘Upa Veda’ of Atharveda.

“As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm” is a common Vedic saying. The universe is made up of five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. These five elements also make human body in the form of three characteristics, which are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha in Ayurveda. In modern medicine language, the Vata represents movement function, Pitta metabolism and Kapha represents structure.

As per Ayurveda, each dosha accumulates (kaya), aggravates (Prakopa) and becomes normal (Prasamana) in different Ritus. Vata (movement function) accumulates in summer, aggravates in rainy seasons and calms down in autumn. Pitta (metabolism) accumulates in rainy season, aggravates in autumn (Sharad Ritu) and calms down in early winter. Kapha (structure and secretions) accumulates in late winter, aggravates in spring (Vasant Ritu) and calms down in summer.

Vitiation of Vata (movement) leads to high blood pressure, arrhythmia; pitta (metabolism) increases metabolism and more acidity, while vitiated Kapha (structure) may disrupt sugar profile.

In the current wind storms in Delhi, we saw a large number of patients developing accelerated hypertension.

Any change in environment affects the functions of the body. This is well-known in Vedic sciences. Modern medicine should look into it and find answers to this phenomenon.

Dr KK Aggarwal
Padma Shri Awardee
Vice President CMAAO
Group Editor-in-Chief IJCP Publications
President Heart Care Foundation of India
Immediate Past National President IMA

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