use of antibiotics in day to day practice for the patient with
community-acquired or hospital-acquired infections is often empirical, as the
results of culture and sensitivity or specific diagnostic tests are still
awaited. This is especially true for infections in critically ill
patients where the urgency of situation demands empirical treatment.
spectrum antibiotics are typically selected for empiric therapy as the aim is
to cover as many etiopathogens as possible that are usually associated with
that particular clinical presentation. They are initiated as soon as specimens
are collected.
word empirical is derived from the Greek word “empeiria”, which
means experience. Therefore, empirical treatment literally means “based on
observation or practical experience rather than theory”.
Medical Dictionary gives the meaning of the word empirical as “Founded
on practical experience rather than on reasoning alone but not proved
scientifically in contrast to rational”.
& Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (10th Edn)
states: “Empiricism often is defined as the practice of medicine
founded on mere experience, without the aid of science or a knowledge of
principles.” But, it has also observed that “The connotations
of this definition are misleading; empirical observations need not be
scientifically unsound.”
antibiotics run the risk of drug-resistant infections. Therefore, they should
be tapered to a more targeted therapy once the culture reports are available.
The list of CDSCO approved drugs includes two broad spectrum
antimicrobials: Doxycycline and cephalexin (https:// ).
Both doxycycline and cephalexin are broad spectrum antibiotics.
Cephalexin is usually used as preoperative prophylaxis for prevention of
surgical site infections.
Doxycycline is an inexpensive and time tested drug. It has low potential
for developing resistance; in addition, it has antiviral and anti-inflammatory
properties. Doxycycline is the drug of choice for scrub
tyhus and for rickettsial infections. It is also an effective
treatment of leptospirosis. This spectrum of coverage makes it an appropriate
empiric antibiotic, especially in our Indian setting where scrub typhus is now
an important cause of febrile illness.
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