Hepatitis B more deadly than HIV
Over 200 diseases can be transmitted from exposure to blood; the most serious infections are hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and HIV.
HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C all can be transmitted through blood and blood products and /or by sexual route. The prevalence of HIV is only 0.3% in the general population the same of hepatitis C is up to 5%.
Hepatitis B virus is the most infectious of the three blood borne viruses. It gets transmitted by percutaneous and mucosal exposures and HUMAN BITES.
Hepatitis B can also be transmitted by FOMITES such as FINGER STICK BLOOD SUGAR CHECK, multi dose medication vials, jet gun injectors, and endoscopes. Hepatitis B virus can SUR VIVE ON COUNTER TOPS FOR UPTO SEVEN DAYS and remain capable of causing infection.
Testing of health care workers for hepatitis c virus (HCV) should be performed after needle sticks, sharp injuries, mucosal, or non intact exposure to hepatitis C virus positive blood.
The average incidence of sero conversion to hepatitis C virus after unintentional needle sticks or sharps exposures from an hepatitis C virus positive source is 1.8 percent (range, 0-7 percent).
Transmission of hepatitis C virus can occur from infected fluid splashes to the conjunctiva. Hepatitis C virus can survive on environmental surfaces for up to 16 HOURS.
The first step after being exposed to blood or bodily fluids is to wash the area well with soap and water. EXPRESSING FLUID BY SQUEEZING the wound will not reduce the risk of blood borne infection.
Give Hepatitis B Vaccine to all unvaccinated persons after exposure to blood. If the exposed blood is positive for HBV and the exposed person is unvaccinated, treatment with hepatitis B immune globulin is recommended.
New weapons of war are HIV kanya, HIV blood transfusions after kidnapping, HIV positive syringes for extraction of money and infected hepatitis C, hepatitis B and HIV combined blood (most deadly weapon ever possible).
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